Thursday, June 7, 2007

First Day Of School

First Day Of School was awesome! I was kind of nervous/excited when I was preparing all these weeks. My mom woke me up by saying" It's the first day of school!" I woke up with a startle and began preparing. I rushed downstairs and shouted" Yaya! Prepare my cereal please! She said" Opo!!!!!!!!!!!" After I ate, I ran to the bathroom to wash and Yaya prepared too hot water while she gathered cold water then. After that, I regularly dressed up while my mom tied my hair. Then, I went to school and my dad brought me there ( I couldn't walk alone to school) and I entered the classroom with sweat on the inside. As I went there, someone started chanting" ANGEL! ANGEL! ANGEL!" I thought AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! My classmates are actually here! Wahee! Where's the Teacher Anna? I took my seat and I saw the spoiled girl I remembered from Prep who was still talking. Miss Venus, my teacher's assistant helped me get to my seat while I was still saying on the inside AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Oh man I better stop that! Then, my spoiled old classmate who I mentioned earlier stopped and I won't mention her name. Ok I will! Her name is Mariah Charnanne Belot. Then, we started doing activies like a song called Making Melodies which was tricky but funny. The song was like" THUMBS IN! ELBOWS UP! KNEES BENT! FEET APART! TILT HEAD! TONGUE OUT! TURN AROUND! After that, I told Kyla, my old classmate" That was tricky but fun! My knees were kind of aching after that but at least I had snacks. I opened my food box and saw.......... Mom's home-made pizza! One of them felt like saying" PIZZA NANAMAN! I loved pizza since well 2 or 1 year/s ago! The next day, some one will say Pizza Nanaman! I thought proudly. Then after a few more activies, a few reminders, it was time to go home until my mom was there of course. I was seated on the floor as my teacher told us" Stay here and tell me if your "fetch" is there already! After that, say good-bye to me! Some of the people weren't paying attention so she said" If you are listening, you are looking at my beautiful eyes! We all laughed but after a few minutes, I was bored! I wanted to play with my dolls, write and more! As people began to go already, I was beginning to become more stressed and the principal led me to her office. I wanted to go out since the phone rang and the sound was horrible. As I went out of the office, my mom rushed and said" Baby! Time to go! The taxi is there! Then I went home. The End.

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