Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Aquarium of the Pacific

It was a nice sunny Saturday when I woke up. We were in my Tito Edwin's house in Glendale which was near Sylmar, the place with wildfire. I said" Good morning." I still felt so sleepy. Dad and I then did "Lie Down With Daddy" (for information, check out my 2007 posts) until Mama Gloria came and introduced a super delightful machine. Dad's back hurt all the time so she found the solution. She gave him a massager that left him distracted.

I showered, brushed my teeth and we left at exactly 10:51am. We brought our suitcases by hand. Then, we went to Porto's, a Cuban restaurant which specializes in BREAD, yummy BREAD! I ate some sandwiches and some rolls and I was full. Then we drove back to Tito Edwin's house since Dad wanted to go to the bathroom. There we met with Tita Marge, Ate Bettina or Ate Spongebob as she wants to be called and a little boy who was waving back to my hello's. I was wondering who he was. Yey! A new playmate, I thought. When they went down, I got along with him. According to Tita Marge, his name was Cito or Crisanto Agustin. He was the three year-old son of her officemate and she often babysat him with Tito Edwin. I thought he would be a naughty boy but he was so polite. Also, he told me a story about when he went up his stairs, he saw smoke from far far away. He amazed us a lot! He was polite, he answered all our questions, he was charming, he was so adorable and he gave us news about the fire he saw up on his staircase.

So, afterwards, we drove to the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, Tita Marge's car behind ours. I felt sleepy so I slept. Mom then signalled me to wake up because we were in the Parking Lot of the park. We then went to the park, where we met little Cito. I kept challenging him to go to scary places. "I dare you to go to the Shark Lagoon!" I kept telling him. He said back with a frightened face" Okay!" We then went there. Little Cito wasn't afraid. We went to the aquarium where most of the fishes, lobsters and seahorses could be seen. Cito nearly cried when he saw a diving lobster. Tita Marge tried to console him. Afterwards, we kept going around the indoor park! I have to admit....This was better than SeaWorld! Why, you ask? Because.....

1.) It's indoor so you don't have to keep walking in the heat!
2.) They have 3D shows.
3.) Their bathrooms do not smell like chlorine.
4.) It has a fabulous 2nd floor!
5.) Humans get to feed sharks!
6.) Scuba divers have their own show.
7.) You get to touch nearly every fish there!
8.) Photography is allowed!

After a trip there, we went to Queen Mary's for a stroll. Cito was fascinated but he was starving. "I wanna go and ride the ship!" he demanded. He asked once we went on it" Why aren't we moving?" I bent down and told him" Cito, this ship broke down years ago!" Then, he began asking for food. We left the place and went to Chen's, a Chinese Restaurant. I loved their soup and chicken! After the yummy dinner, we need to go back to Orange County so, we said good-bye to that happy-go-lucky guy, Cito. Tito Sonny told Dad the freeways to go to avoid the wildfires in Yorba Linda and Anaheim Hills. Tito Edwin used his GPS. So, we all had to keep quiet to find our way. We made it to Orange! Hooray! This was a very good trip!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Super Fun Halloween!

My Halloween experience was so fun! I was Hannah Montana for Halloween. I didn't want to be a fairy queen because I felt like I got so used to it already.As I dressed up, I felt super excited! Ate Tin-tin was dressed up in a hotdog costume. I actually thought I looked like Cher. We were going to go trick-or-treating at Tita Joelle's house. I've never been there before! But, first, the most exciting part was we were going to fetch my dad from the train station. Mom and I took pictures in the car first. The first one she took was quite blue in color but the second one was perfect! Once Dad saw me, he was like" NNNNNYEK!". Then, we went to Tita Joelle's house. Her house is in a subdivision and it has tons of decorations on it! It included the drawing of Jada of a house or a little kid. Once we went in, she welcomed us inside. Jason was there, playing Rock Band with Ate Tin-tin on the vocals. Many people were thinking I was Britney Spears. Then, I met with Jada and a new girl, her cousin Allison. My mom tried to joke she was Jasmine for Halloween but she was really Ariel. She screamed" I AM ARIEL!" But, soon, it was time for dinner! I had a little bit of pancit and four pieces of chicken teriyaki. I didn't eat much so Mom told me to eat bananas to make me full. I also laughed because Jason did the vocals on the Rock Band game. The song was so funny! Then, it was time to trick-or-treat! There was this new guy who thought he was so mature. His name is Sean, who was Luke Skywalker for Halloween. I got tons and tons and tons of candy. I also entered a haunted house and wanted to cry. It was sooooooo scary! There were dead bodies and bones and witches under a tent. I gave them a 10 and wanted to call the paramedics! I was sooooooooooooooo freaked out! Then, I just followed Jason (who was a fat referree) and Sean. So, we passed nearly fifty houses until we went back toTita Joelle's house. Mom then fixed my hair. I wanted to play with them. So, I went upstairs and I asked" What 'cha playing?" They said Jason was the "dooky" and all and we were supposed to hide from him. If he finds us, we evacuate and then go to other places. I teamed up with Jada and Allison. And then, Sean changed the game to the Detective Funk Club. Once we were playing, I tripped over a humidifier and so did Ate Tin-tin. Here are our detective names:

Sean-Detective Funky
Jason-Detective G Man
Ate Tintin-Detective Lingo
Me-Detective Marco Polo
Allison-Detective Saxophone
Jada-Detective Private

Until it was time to go. Oh, well, this party will last forever!

My Super Fun Halloween